930 Custer Ave. Atlanta, GA 30316

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Sunday Service: 10:00 AM

God created us to sing but also called us to sing for three main reasons: praising, praying and proclaiming our faith. (Psalm 96) 

We also see that as a medium, a way of teaching. So it is important that the music in the worship service has biblical content.

In Christianity, faith is sung. Adoration and praise are among the elements that make the disciples of Jesus famous. A third of the gathering time is spent on worship and praise.

At Haitian Ministry Theophile Church in Christ, we adopt a varied style that sticks to our musical culture. We feel even closer to our Christian community who loves to worship God in their own way. We sing, we dance like David did in 2 Samuel 6:14, which brings an atmosphere of spiritual celebration every time our congregation meets.

This is why at Theophile Church we invest a considerable amount of time, effort and energy in the musical aspect of the life of our congregation.

Moreover our Theophile Church Choir sings music that the congregation cannot sing as a homogeneous group, serves as a small-group within the church for faith formation, and sings beautiful and challenging music to glorify God and to edify the congregation. The choir performs every first Sunday of the month and at special events

If you have any questions about the media ministry, please contact us at 404-228-6808 or you can write us at theophilemedia@hmtcc.org